16 July 2009

Vegas Alien Podcast Interview

Hey folks. Just wanted to let you know that the podcast interview I did with Ron Davis and Shawna Rencher is now live.

You can check it out on the Glamour Apprentice web site or download via iTunes.

My thanks again to Ron and Shawna for their interest in sharing my vision and approach with the world. Be sure to bookmark the Glamour Apprentice web site to check out other featured photographers and some great educational content.

14 July 2009

New Images

Here are a few recent images of some fantastic models I was privileged to work with.

Upon Reflection...

I just had a fantastic interview with Ron Davis for a podcast that will be posted soon at http://www.glamourapprentice.com/podcast. I will post the direct link once it's live. I was asked some surprising, interesting and philosophical questions regarding my approach and outlook as an artist and photographer.

I can't get over how much that helped me to reflect and to reach within to illustrate why I do what I do, why I do it how I do, and how I view others' work. I think that's an exercise I will perform myself at regular intervals, or especially when I get frustrated in any way.

I had no problem vocalizing my appreciation for the wide variety of models that I work with. Each one is special and each brings out something new in me. I seek to glorify what makes each of them wonderful to me.

I sincerely appreciate that Ron reached out to me for this podcast and am humbled by the chance to share my philosophy with others.